Midwest Technical Field Rep

| Brian Baughman, Midwest Technical Field Rep Home Office: Wisconsin
(262) 290-1652 Brian.Baughman@nema.org Region:
AR, CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI, WV, WY |
Midwest Technical Field Representative, Brian Baughman was hired in March 2023 bringing over 20 years of experience in the electrical industry. Brian currently holds a Wisconsin State Master Electrician License, Wisconsin
State Commercial Electrical Inspector Certification, and Wisconsin State UDC-Electrical Inspector Certification. Prior to his tenure at NEMA, Brian was the Technical Applications Manager for Generac Power Systems Clean Energy Division and served as
a committee member on NFPA 37, NFPA 70 (CMP-4), NFPA 78, NFPA 420, NFPA 1078, and the NFPA Professional Qualifications Correlating Committee. He is an industry recognized expert on energy storage systems, on-site power production sources, distributed
energy resources, and advanced electrification technologies. Brian is a member of the IAEI, ICC, and NFPA.