This piece was originally published in the October 2018 issue of electroindustry.
Craig Updyke, Director, Trade and Commercial Affairs, NEMA
On August 31, President Trump notified Congress of his intention to enter into a new trade agreement with Mexico and, if possible, Canada, to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). While negotiations with Mexico were largely concluded on that day with an agreement in principle, talks between the U.S. and Canada continued into September.
NEMA urged the negotiations to result in agreement among all three countries on a state-of-the-art platform for North American electroindustry manufacturing and trade. Under U.S. law, the text of the new trade agreement would become public on October 1 and could be signed by President Trump and his counterparts on November 30, the final day of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s term of office. The U.S. Congress would likely not act on any legislation to implement the new agreement until early 2019.
NEMA Members may learn more and take action by visiting the NEMA NAFTA campaign under Trade at