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مرحبا بك عزيزي القاريء في العدد الثاني من نشرة التوعية الصادرة عن نيما لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.
نود من خلال هذه الرسائل الإلكترونية الفصلية ان نطلعك على العمل الذي تقوم به نيما في مجال صناعة المعدات الكهربائية. نامل ان تسهم هذه المعلومات في تعزيز التواصل بين الصناع والجهات التشريعية للرقي بالمواصفات الخاصة بالقطاع الكهربائي وذلك من اجل خدمة المستهلك وجميع المستفيدين . سنركز في نشرة هذا الفصل على "الكفاءة" في الكهرباء و الطاقة. نأمل ان تحظى هذه المعلومات على إعجابكم وان تشاركوننا بآرائكم.

Welcome to the second NEMA outreach newsletter for the Middle East and North Africa.
In these quarterly emails, we will update you on the work that NEMA does in the electrical equipment industry. This information is aimed at enhancing communication between the industry and regulatory bodies, with the goal of promoting standards for the electrical industry to benefit consumers and stakeholders. We look forward to your feedback.

July issue of electroindustry magazineelectroindustry magazine highlights standards

The June and July issues of NEMA’s monthly publication, electroindustry, featured a number of articles on standards. “Smart Grid Manual Standardizes Interoperability,” by NEMA’s Khaled Masri, details the development and goals of ANSI/NEMA SG-IPRM 1-2016 Smart Grid Interoperability Process Reference Manual. John Malinowski of Baldor Electric Company writes, in “NEMA Motor Standards Provide Foundation for Industry,” of how important NEMA motor standards have been, and continue to be, to manufacturers and the industry.

Subscribe to ei magazine at no cost!

NEMA continues KSA engagement

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has undertaken an ambitious plan to revitalize the nation that will profoundly affect how NEMA member companies serve this market into the future. NEMA engages the Kingdom in large part with support from interested member companies and allied organizations through a Market Access Consortium created in 2015. Click here for more information about the consortium's activities and how to get involved.

Upcoming conference on industrial development in Saudi Arabia

Upcoming conference on industrial development in Saudi Arabia

The U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council is hosting a conference, Localization, Innovation, and Partnership Opportunities for Industrial Development in Saudi Arabia, in Los Angeles on August 25. NEMA’s Saudi Arabia Market Access Consortium is extending a generous 50% registration discount to all NEMA members attending the conference. The event will highlight the strategic objectives of the National Transformation Program 2020 for industrial development in Saudi Arabia and will showcase the kingdom’s attractiveness as a business and manufacturing hub. read more

NEMA organizes forum on MENA codes and standards

NEMA is hosting a forum to discuss collaboration on codes and standards in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The program will include overviews of the NEMA KSA Market Access Consortium and the National Transformation Program 2020; a discussion of experiences and lessons learned by U.S. codes and standards groups working in MENA countries; ideas for collaborative approaches and the possibility of establishing a coalition; and upcoming events. The forum will take place on August 23 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the NEMA Conference Center in Rosslyn, Virginia. Contact Khaled Masri ASAP to RSVP if you plan on attending.